Monkey is a funny little man that has lived with us now for 11 years. We threw him in the trolley once at IKEA and he has been a part of the family ever since. He has been misused and abused by the kids when they were teenagers, tossed around by small children and cherished so much by one particular nephew (you know who you are Geordie!) that we almost let him take Monkey home with him before Mum intervened.
Over the last few years since all the kids have left home and the nieces and nephews have grown up, Monkey has retired from active service and resides in silence and isolation in the spare bedroom where he occasionally entertains overnight guests. We have decided it is time for Monkey to have a big adventure and we are going to take him with us to the USA!
This is where you all come in. We'd like you to tell us where you'd like Monkey to go and what you'd like him to do while he is in the USA. In return we will do our very best to take him there and post pictures of him on this blog.
In today's picture he is sitting at my desk. Where would you like to see him next?