Saturday 17 March 2012

The Search for a Bed and Breakfast

Well, we have not dropped of the face of the earth but rather have been on a serious mission to find a Bed and Breakfast on the West Coast of Scotland.  We left home on the 12th of March and spent a lovely couple of days with some friends in Biggar before heading north.
The car has been playing up and threatened to put paid to our plans but after several hours in garages in Wishaw and Fort William we finally started our quest on the 14th.
It is now Saturday the 17th and have seen 8 properties so far with a final one today at 11am.  Generally it has been a disappointing experience.  The weather has been grim as have many of the properties.  The market is depressed as are the owners some of whom have been trying to sell for several years!  Honestly, we have not seen anything we have fallen in love with with one exception and that is a little out of our price range and would involve a mortgage which we were trying to avoid.
We have pretty much realised that we won't get what we want for our budget and then it becomes a toss-up between borrowing to upgrade an existing business that we can afford, or borrowing to buy a business that is ready to walk into and start trading.
The search continues..................

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