Friday 30 December 2011

Friday before New Years Eve in NYC

The week is quickly slipping away!  Yesterday we met up with an old friend Lynn who I met in Nepal about 8 or 9 years ago.  She lives in Pennsylvania but every time we get over here she make the trip down to meet up with us.
We headed straight down to Grand Central Station and after a coffee laced with a liquor of our choice in the Michael Jordan bar (as Lynn said, he needs the money) had a long slightly boozy lunch in the Oyster Bar.
We had a long catch up over a selection of delicious oysters from all over the US, crab claws, smoked trout, sardines and chowder.
Had our first NYC subway experience and headed up town to the "Container Store".  This was an "only in America" experience.  A shop that sells nothing but containers of all shapes and sizes for offices, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, under-bed, loft............the top sellers yesterday were specially designed containers to store your Christmas tree and decorations in ........
After Lynn got the magnetic bulletin board she wanted for her kitchen because her fridge is not metal, we spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the shops on Madison, Park and 5th Avenue before Lynn caught the train back and we retired exhausted to our room for a lazy evening in the nest watching TV!

Today we are heading down to Brooklyn to meet up with Mike's uncle Cecil and later on the rest of the family.......

PS for some reason the "blogger" won't let me load any photos!  Got a great one of Monkey at the Bada Bing which we'll have to try and load when we get home.......

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