Wednesday 21 December 2011

Last few days before Christmas.......

4 days to Christmas and we are on track......
Presents wrapped and under the tree.
Food almost bought  - we'll be finishing that today.  Collecting the turkey tomorrow.....
Got to buy a little table for the extra people who won't fit round the main dining table.
Got to tidy the house and get started on the cooking.

Oh yes, and pack for a week in New York City.  We are off on Boxing Day.  Thankfully all booked and paid for - just need to watch the spending money.  Going to catch up an old friend while we are there and meet up with some of Mike's relatives.  We might even do some prep for the trip and investigate the costs of bikes and mobile phones etc.....

The main reason for the trip is actually to meet Mike's relatives.  His Dad died in Barbados 12 months ago and has left him a third of a large plot of land with the other two thirds going to his half brother and sister.  (Oh yes, who he has never really met!)  We think we really want to sell our land and might take the opportunity to talk over with them and see how it fits with their own plans.  Whatever happens it should be interesting and good to meet them.  We are spending New Years Day with them.

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